Cococin™ - GRAS Affirmed Ingredients

Freeze-dried form of coconut water
A natural, rich source of minerals and phytonutrients

Coconut water is the liquid endosperm of Cocos nucifera L used as a supplement in media for the growth of plant tissue cultures
The coconut fruit is unique as it contains large amount of nutrient-rich liquid over the period of time (one year or more) in its life cycle
The greatest amount of coconut water is found in young, green coconuts
When the fruit matures, both the solid endosperm and the remaining coconut water serve as nutrients for the developing embry and seeding
Thus coconut water serves as as natural reservoir of nutrients to promote tissue growth

GRAS Self-Affirmed: June 2008 (as a nutrient)

Use level: Up to 10% in specific foods

Safety Level: 53.52 g/person/day is safe


Non-alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic Beverages

Frozen Dairy

Dairy Product Analogs

Imitation Dairy Products

Milk Products

Snack Foods

Chewing Gum

Instant Tea and Coffee



US 7,300,682


  • 538 Cach Mang Thang Tam Street
    Floor 7th, MBAMC Building
    Ward 11, District 3
    Hochiminh City
    70000 Vietnam

  • +84(28) 3930 0341
  • +84(28) 3930 0342


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